CP/M Builtin Commands

Paraphrased from the PX4 Operating Manual

Control key commands

Items in bold are keys to be pressed
CTRL + C : Restarts CP/M by initiating a warm start
CTRL + E : Forces the cursor to the next line of the screen for continued command line input.
CTRL + H : Moves the cursor one space to the left in the same manner as the BS key.
CTRL + I : Inputs a tab code (same as the TAB key)
CTRL + P : Turns on or off the printer echo function. When the printer echo function is turned on, data displayed on the LCD screen is output to the printer (or other device assigned to LST:) each time the RETURN key is pressed. The printer echo function is turned on by pressing CTRL + P once, and is turned off when CTRL + P is pressed a second time. (Make sure the printer is connected properly before using this command.)
CTRL + R : Redisplays the contents of the current command line.
CTRL + S : Momentarily stops processing currently being performed (same as the PAUSE key). Processing can be resumed by inputting this command again.
CTRL + U : Cancels the current command line and moves the cursor to the next line on the screen for input of a different command.
CTRL + X : Erases the current command line and moves the cursor back to the beginning of the line.
CTRL + Z : Terminates input from the keyboard (used in combination with certain CP/M transient commands).

Built-in commands

d: - A drive letter
filematch - an extact filename, or a wildcard match for files.
Items such as [item] are optional, ones such as <item> are compulsary.

DIR [d:][filematch]
Display a list of files in the specified, or current drive.

ERA [d:]<filematch>
Erase specified files. filematch *.* can be used to match all files in the current drive.

REN [d:]newname.ext = oldname.ext
Change the name of a disk file from oldname.ext to newname.ext

SAVE n [d:]filename.ext
Save the specified n number of pages of the transient program area to disk under the specified file name.

TYPE [d:]filename.ext
Display the contents of the specified file on the display screen. Display is only meaningful if the file contents was ASCII text.

Switches to the specified user area in a disk drive.
A user area is a physical area on a disk which has its own directory and which is managed seperately from the rest of the disk. Data cannot be read from or written to any user area other than that in which CP/M is currently operating. A disk can be divided up into a maximum of 16 user areas.

Microcassette commands

These commands only apply if a microcassette drive has been fitted.

MOUNTReads the tape directory
REMOVEWrites the tape directory
DIRINTInitialises the tape directory
REWINDRewinds the tape
PLAYOutputs the content of the tape to the speaker
FFFast-forwards the tape
ERASEErases the tape
STOPStops the tape
RESETResets the tape counter to 0

Utility ROM Commands

PX-4 configuration tool.

Transfer files through the serial port using the FILINK protocol.

PIP [d:][newfile.ext]=[d:][filespec][<t>
Copy files between peripherals whilst performing optional conversion <t>.

Copy file from drive to drive: C> PIP H:=A:INFO.DAT
Copy file to new name: C> PIP A:NEW.DAT=A:INFO.DAT
Copy file to printer: C> PIP LST:=A:LETTER.TXT

In addition, a range of parameters can be specified in square brackets [] immediately after the command to perform various translations during the copy.

[B]Block Mode Transfer - Copy data in blocks, used with devices such as paper tape readers.
[E]Echo to screen - copy to screen as well as destination
[Pn]Form Feed - Insert a form feed (ASCII code 12, 0x0C) every n lines.
[F]Supress form feeds
[H]Hex format - only allow copying of intel HEX format files, terminate if match fails
[I]Ignore NULL records - An alternative/extension to [H], ignores NULL (hex 00) records and ensures content is in Intel HEX format.
[L]Lower case conversion - converts all upper case characters to lower case.
[N]Number lines - Move text to start at column 9, and insert right justified line numbering in the space
[N2]As [N] but zero pad the number to 6 digits
[O]Object file transfer - would otherwise break on non ascii/hex files
[R]Read System Files - read and copy system, sets [W]
[Qstring^Z]Stop copying at specified string, ^Z refers to CTRL-Z
[Sstring^Z]Start copying at specified string
[Tn]TAB setting - move tab settings of file to columns, n, 1n, 2n, 3n, etc.
[Gn]Transfer from user area n to current area
[Dn]Truncate file at column n
[U]Uppercase conversion - the opposite of [L]
[V]Verify the copy
[W]Write to a readonly file
[Z]Zero parity setting - Set highest (parity) bit of every byte to 0, thus converting 8-bit ASCII to 7-bit

Display statistics on disk drives, or change device assignments.
More detail to come

Terminal emulator program, talks to RS232 port.